tirsdag 10. august 2010
Home at last
søndag 1. august 2010
A taste of Norway
We're currently in Honningsvåg, not far from the North Cape (which we didn't bother going around since we didn't have to, and we've both seen it before, from land and sea. Besides the party was in Honningsvåg.) We've got a little more than 100 miles left of the trip, and four days until our scheduled homecoming. Soon, very soon, it's over...

onsdag 28. juli 2010
In Tromsø, last scheduled stop...
We're in Tromsø, our last scheduled stop before we're home in Kirkenes, by the russian border. We still have a little more than 350 miles left. ... about 1,5% of the total distance of the journey, and we have until the 5th of August to do it, shouldn't be a problem.
Soon the journey will be over, and we'll have to readjust to a landbound life ...
We'll try to get some pictures uploaded before we get home, so you all can see our beautiful country. Until then; ciao!
fredag 2. juli 2010
In Norway, at last
mandag 21. juni 2010
Bay of Biscuit
That could be all of it, but sorry peeps, I'm unable to be as concise as that, and will in the below go into petty detail, boring you out of your minds.
After the little incident of the Party-Portuguese (oh, by the way, we never used this info, but apparantly if you go to Lisbon you can go to the main street of the old town, past the church, the second door will be half open and you'll see a girl in there. Tell the girl you want to go up the elevator, if she tells you there is no elevator, go home and put on some other clothes, try again. In the elevator tell the operator that you wanna go all the way. Don't forget to say the secret codeword "Silk", and voilá: your at the most secret, coolest club in Lisbon. So the party-portuguese said anyway, if you try it, please tell us what it was like. Info courtesy of the Party-Portuguese)

tirsdag 15. juni 2010
Check-in/OK message from Øyvind på Tur SPOT Messenger
GPS location Date/Time:06/16/2010 02:56:30 GMT
Click the link below to see where I am located.
Message:Fra de seilende:
Egil og Øyvind seiler avgårde og har det bra!
Egil and Øyvind are sailing happily along and are OK
Raising the safety factor for millions who step into the outdoors each year, SPOT notifies friends and family or an international emergency rescue coordination center with status messages based on situation and need. Ask for Help (or SPOT Assist), Alert S.O.S., Check-In/OK and Track Progress-all with the simple push of a button.
Looking for a great way to share SPOT tracks and waypoints, stories and photos? Head to http://www.spotadventures.com and see how users are creating their adventures and sharing them!
søndag 13. juni 2010
In Denmark, Norway next stop!