torsdag 25. juni 2009
OK ESN:0-7402902
Egil og Øyvind seiler avgårde og har det bra!
Egil and Øyvind are sailing happily along and are OK
Nearest Location:not known
Distance:not known
Time:06/25/2009 07:28:01 (GMT),169.8449&ie=UTF8
torsdag 11. juni 2009
The rise, fall, and resurrection of the inflatable sailing dinghy

After some time we were able to secure ourselves a new inflatable from the brilliant NZ net-auction site TradeMe. For 100 $NZ we were the proud new owners of a grey, «new» Avon Redstart, the «Grey Ghost». Probably about the same age as the previous one, but in better condition. There was now absolutely no need to hold on to the sad, sad remains of the Yellow Wonder. We carefully dismantled whatever might be usable, or otherwise come in handy in the foreseeable and unforeseeable future.

However after less than a week (impressively short time considered the projects impossibility!): lo and behold: Egil had succeeded in ressurecting the inflatable sailing dinghy! Hats off!

søndag 7. juni 2009

We have arrived and checked in. Now: in
The land of cannibals and bungee-jumping lunatics. No offence, that bungee activity, (which by no means has that bungee-feeling), they’ve got going here is the coolest thing. (And: honestly Im not sure about that cannibalism thing, but it kind of feels right).
In any case, we came on Saturday after some days of seasickness, rough sea, but fairly good speed and winds. Unfortunately, since this country is closed during the weekends, and when we realized there was no chance of reaching here till Friday, we had to wait till Monday for it to open up again. Enjoyed a day of a ever lasting sweating competition and a late night Batman Forever screening.
After 7 hours of desperately trying to reach customs on our VHF-communication-radio-thing this morning, Oyvind had to paddle ashore and find them (search and destroy). He took their pet-turtle as a hostage, located an ATM, paid them bastards their Vatus and finally we were passport-stamped and ready to hunt for enjoyment.
From Luganville, where we are at the moment: sweating, but feeling good, we head south east along this island of Santo and towards the
If not before that, we hope to see you all at the Solomons.