My Petzl Tikka Plus, my first personal acquaintance with diode techonology. It was bought at «førsteutikken i Näätämö», it was even on sale, i remember the day clearly. It was an impulse purchase, but a good one nonetheless. That headlamp has seen action on four different continents. It has survived military operations (it was anyway camouflage), rock climbing, numerous camping trips, skiing and hunting. Countless books has been read in its light. I've had that headlamp for longer than I've been able to hang on to any girlfriend. It was even handy to have around the boat, cranking out hundreds of hours of light on three AAA batteries.
Now it's at 25 degrees 30.86 minutes S, 177 degrees 01.80 minutes W, about 380 nautical miles south of Fiji. If anyone is going that way and finds it, can you please bring it back? You might need diving equipment, it's about 3000 metres deep there.
It was swept off my head as I was leaning over the side and the jib sheet snapped upwards. «Too bad it wasn't on» I thought as I watched it disappear, «it would have been cool to watch the light sink».
Now it's at 25 degrees 30.86 minutes S, 177 degrees 01.80 minutes W, about 380 nautical miles south of Fiji. If anyone is going that way and finds it, can you please bring it back? You might need diving equipment, it's about 3000 metres deep there.
It was swept off my head as I was leaning over the side and the jib sheet snapped upwards. «Too bad it wasn't on» I thought as I watched it disappear, «it would have been cool to watch the light sink».

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