A journey from New Zealand to Norway by two rookies in a 50 year old sailing boat

A journey from New Zealand to Norway by two rookies in a 50 year old sailing boat

onsdag 8. juli 2009

Million Dollar Point, Vanuatu

The Americans used Santo in Vanuatu as a forward operating base during the war. They lined up personnell and equipment for the fighting on nearby Guadalcanal in the Solomons. When they considered themselves finished with the warring in '45 they offered the Vanuatu government to buy a bunch of gear cheap since it would cost them more to ship home than leave behind. The Vanuatans didn't, assuming the yanks would probably leave it all anyway.

They did. Sort of. Not feeling in the mood for charity the americans drove, hauled, and threw it all off a point right by the city of Luganville, thus creating the M$.

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