We are in Ambon, Indonesia. In fact we're about to leave Ambon. We are actually here rather legally. When we got here we marched over to the authorities with the documents we were able to get our sticky fingers on in Jayapura and cleared in using those. It ran almost without a hitch!

Now we've taken on diesel to replace what we burned going north of Irian Jaya. We've also taken on what can be noted as a pessblaut low in regards of water quality. It tastes like sea- and freswater half-and-half, but it hasn't made us sick when we tried it, so what the heck. Now we're leaving for Bali. We're - at least I am - quite sick of - experiencing other cultures and doing all that grown up stuff. I'm ready for some westernized low-culture. Beaches, beers and bikinis! I shall personally hug the first pale, beer gutted, speedo-clad german I see.

In the "so what else is new slot" of this blogspot the pessblaut-boys report that Jukka had enough of sailing in low winds, contrary winds and unfavourable currents and jumped ship here in Ambon. He has taken it upon him to be our advanced party, take point, and establish a fire-base for us in Bali. We'll hook up there after J has made a visa-run to some obscure asian country so that he can stay longer in Indo. Before he left us though, we grasped the opportunity to invade his hotel-room by the airport and did our best to acomplish an old-fashioned hotel-room drinking binge. It went a little something like this:
-Take taxi to hotel by airport, try and sneak past reception in order not to have to book more than one room
-Book one more room as sneaking-skills are rusty
-Drink, play music and argue
-Repeat above for ten hours
-Enjoy the local hotel fauna: Mice, cockroaches and lizards
-See Joachim off to airport at six in the morning
-Have hotel breakfast (one loaf of white bread, choice of two different jams, tea or coffee)
-Go to extra room which so far has not been touched
-Sleep for a few hours until check-out time
-Check out, make way back to town by local transportation

Egil, du kunne tatt pornobransjen me storm me den barten der!