Ja, godt nyttår tel dåkker også. Det var absolutt ikkje et høydepunkt å komme hjem midt i mørketia. Her e det MGP feber og tidsjag og anna galskap. E dåkker no sikker på at dåkker skal seile hit?
DECEMBER- Thailand, Indian occean crossing in late Dec
NOVEMBER- Malaysia, Thailand
OCTOBER - Singapore - Malaysia
AUGUST - Indonesia
JULY - Papua New Guinea, Indonesia
JUNE - Solomons, Papua New Guinea
MAI - Fiji, Vanuatu
APRIL - New Zealand
Crew and visitors:
To all of our good looking friends: If you wish to join us for a leg of sailing and tanning, please send us an email on WHERE or WHEN. (pessblaut@gmail.com). "The Route" and "Where and When" list is a good place to start planning. Also our blog will be updated with news and future plans, when we get online. Cruising is all about following the winds to wherever, so things might/will change all the time. Flexibility is therefore the key when finding somewhere to meet. So, see you out there...
Merry Christmas ang Happy New Year
SvarSlettGood Luck for a journey
Nice to Meet You
Ja, godt nyttår tel dåkker også. Det var absolutt ikkje et høydepunkt å komme hjem midt i mørketia. Her e det MGP feber og tidsjag og anna galskap. E dåkker no sikker på at dåkker skal seile hit?