Ok, so we´ve arrived in the Gib, right in between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, a couple of nights ago.

We´ve spent the time doing intensive repairwork and have managed to get made and replace two new wires in the rig, make our lights in the mast work again (we were receiving complaints from the commercial traffic on our VHF that we cannot respond with when we were running around at night with no lights, wonder why...), changed oil, filled diesel and not succeded in repairing our VHFs. All in a two days and squeezed in between socializing with the other cruisers in the anchorage.

And now, in a couple of hours we´ll be "home" in the Atlantic!!!!! Finally, it´s been almost two years since we saw it the last time!
Eg e jaggu meg imponert! Det e jo heilt sykt dette her. Ska kursen gå rett nordover?
Rett nordover til Norge og så bortetter norskekysten etter det hevdvunne og kjente maritime "hvor er det fest - prinsippet".
SvarSlettVegard: Send meg en mail, jeg har ingen kontakter på deg lenger!